Week 3: Practical Skills

After doing the corresponding contextual research, I was finally ready to colour in my third tower. I chose the colour palette I stated I would use in my research section in order to colour my final concept. The whole style, including the colours I used, works perfectly for the sub-genre I wanted to go for-Continue reading Week 3: Practical Skills

Week 2: Evaluation

When it comes to evaluation of my FMP last year, I can honestly and brutally confirm that it was blatantly lacking in several categories. For contextual research, I provided the bare minimum in order to squeeze a pass. Although I had provided enough research to link to my project, it was severely underwhelming and statedContinue reading Week 2: Evaluation

Week 2: Problem Solving

Theoretical For theoretical problems, finding the right types of tower to reference for my designs was difficult. In order to sort out my problem, I filtered through towers that had shared aspects to my imagination, and pieced them together, taking several traits from various designs on my Pinterest board until I came up with aContinue reading Week 2: Problem Solving

Week 2: Practical Skills

For this week, I started working on tower concepts for my theme of ‘Fairytale’. I was assigned the task of creating three artistically different Fairytale themes towers that I would need to create models for in due time to implement into our game. Using my Pinterest board I created prior to starting the design element,Continue reading “Week 2: Practical Skills”

Week 2: Context

The aim of this week was to start working on ideas of concept designs surrounding my designated theme of ‘Fairytale’. In order to accurately depict the genre, I created a mood board on Pinterest to give me context on different designs that accurately/outwardly fit the Fairytale theme. My focus on concept designs in my respectiveContinue reading “Week 2: Context”

Week 2: Research

For my project, the main reference I am referring to is Pagemaster (www.imdb.com, 1994) References/Bibliography http://www.imdb.com. (1994). The Pagemaster (1994) – IMDb. [online] Available at: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110763/. The above is an example of how I can do research and referencing with citations appropriately.  For this weeks research, I will be furthering my moodboard references onContinue reading “Week 2: Research”

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