Week 5: Evaluation

In terms of work, I am very pleased with what I have done this week. I am proud of myself for creating functional and decent models after not knowing a thing about it a few days prior, and they have turned out looking as close to identical as I have been able to accomplish toContinue reading Week 5: Evaluation

Week 5: Problem Solving

Theoretical For theoretical problems, I had trouble figuring out where to start on Blender. In order to solve my problem, I turned to the internet to figure out basic controls, so that I could use the program without accidentally saving or closing my project mid-way through. Practical For practical problems, I had a lot ofContinue reading Week 5: Problem Solving

Week 5: Planning and Production

For this week, I have assigned myself with the single task of modelling all three of the towers that I had created concepts for a few weeks back. I have one experience with Blender which turned out horrifically, so in order to fulfil the task, I will have to spend this week figuring it outContinue reading Week 5: Planning and Production

Week 5: Practical Skills

This week, I managed to get my towers ready to be implemented into the game. Following the guides I had prepared and on-screen references to my concepts, I designed three separate tower designs for the Fantasy level. This is the first tower I created. I decided to go for this one first due to theContinue reading Week 5: Practical Skills

Week 5: Research

Following this week’s theme on ‘How To Grasp The Complexities Of Blender’, I decided to watch tutorial videos on YouTube which covered simple asset creation. BlenderClicky (2021). Blender Modeling Tutorial | Low Poly Tower. [online] http://www.youtube.com. Available at: https://youtu.be/RMPKInNlLCs %5BAccessed 4 Oct. 2021]. The first video (Harvard Reference linked above) was incredibly helpful, explaining how to scale and pullContinue reading Week 5: Research

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